Dear Colleagues!

RUDN University, Federal Research Center of Food Systems named after V.M. Gorbatov of Russian Academy of Sciences and Russian agricultural bank invite you to take part in the "Food quality and food safety" international conference, which will be held from September 30 to October 02, 2024. The goal of the conference is a constructive discussion of the tasks and mechanisms of innovative and technological development of the food industry, as well as international cooperation in the field of food quality and safety. During the conference, prospects for the implementation of priority national and international programs and projects will be considered and discussed, specific recommendations for solving key problems of sustainable development, for forming a strategic partnership between the scientific and expert community, legislative and executive authorities, industry unions and business structures, the media and other parties focused on solving the priority tasks of modernization and scientific and technological development of the country's agro-industrial complex. Within the framework of the conference, working sections will be organized in various areas of research in the field of food quality and safety, round tables, master classes, as well as a poster session.   

RUDN University

Federal Research Center for Food Systems named after V.M. Gorbatov 

Federal State Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Center for Food Systems named after V.M. Gorbatov ”of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FGBNU“ VM Gorbatov Food Systems Center ”of the Russian Academy of Sciences) (hereinafter referred to as the Center) is a leading research organization whose main goal is to provide methodological support and support for the development of the food industry in Russia. Traditionally, the activities of the Center are closely intertwined with fundamental and applied scientific research, which allows solving not only theoretical problems, but also finding optimal ways to solve specific problems.  

With the transition to market relations, funding sources and customers of work changed, but the essence of the Center's activities did not change - to provide scientific knowledge for the needs of production, to maximize the development of the industry, creating high-quality food products for healthy nutrition of citizens of our country. The Center integrates and effectively develops advanced fundamental knowledge and applied competencies for sustainable development of food production based on the analysis of biotechnological, socio-economic, geographically and globally oriented context of their functioning. The center carries out fundamental and priority-applied scientific research within the framework of targeted state programs commissioned by the ministries and departments of the Russian Federation, and also actively cooperates with the business community, implementing technological, regulatory and methodological developments in the field of food production.  

Today, the scientific staff of the Center is represented by highly qualified scientists engaged in the following priority areas of development of science and technology in the Russian Federation and in the world: - physicochemical and biochemical foundations of biotechnology; - histology and immunohistochemistry of animal and plant tissues; - microbiology, industrial sanitation and veterinary medicine; - physiology and biochemistry of microorganisms, the use of microorganisms in biotechnology; - rational use of agricultural raw materials and preservation of biological resources; - sensory analysis and application of biosensors in food quality research; - modeling and obtaining stable heterogeneous systems, natural biopolymers and film materials based on them; - systematic study of the variability of quality and safety characteristics, adaptation of the theory of risk and modeling of risk situations for the production of food products, including specialized nutrition; - refrigeration equipment and refrigeration technologies; - new methods of analysis, etc.

Scientists of the Center are members of many international organizations - the UNECE / UN Working Group on Standardization, the International Association for the Science and Technology of Grain, the International Institute of Refrigeration, the International Association for Monitoring and Quality Assurance in the Food Supply Chain, international and foreign national academies (International Academy of Refrigeration, national academies of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Kazakhstan, etc.). Scientists of the Center, together with foreign scientists, carry out research on Russian and international grants, do a lot of work as part of various expert councils.

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the official representative of the Organizing Committee of the Conference - Pliushchikov Vladislav, Poddubskiy Anton